
blog post #8

Introduction    As we all know, guns have been around for a long time. Guns have evolved over time and so has illegal gun activity. Today more and more people are getting a hold of guns and doing dangerous things with them. Many of our presidents have created gun laws to make the U.S. safer. While the laws have decreased the crime rate, people are still committing gun crimes. So my question is why don’t gun laws control gun crimes? Gun crime rates have been increasing every year because gun laws don’t control gun crimes. In this paper, I will talk about gun crimes, crime rates, and laws created for guns and why they don’t control gun crimes.  In 2015, there were almost 400 mass shootings, killing 475 people and wounding 1,870. Also, in the same year, there were 64 school shootings. The topic I will be covering is: why gun laws don’t control gun crimes and how gun crimes are getting worse. Why aren’t gun laws useful?

blog #7

According to other classmates presentations, I liked the topics everyone chose. I feel like everyone chose interesting topics to write about. I feel like they could improve their presentations by including more information and more facts pertaining to their topic and also some better sources. I feel like, in my presentation, I included a lot of information and facts about my topic. I think I could improve my presentation by putting information together better and making more sense in my research information.

blog post #6

My topic is gun control My research question is: why do people use guns for illegal reasons? My claim is: by creating stricter laws you stop illegal gun activity. I am interested in the topic of gun control because, personally, I like guns and I wanted to learn more about how guns work, what people use them for, and the many crimes that are committed with guns. I wanted to purchase a gun for protection purposes and because I like guns and I would like to have a collection. My audience is anyone that has or wants to purchase a firearm.

excerise 1.3

A lot of people seem to wonder, is college really worth it ? people agree some people may disagree. Individuals may go to college to better their lives and get a job they love to wake up to and go to everyday and there are people that go to college because maybe they were forced or felt like they had to. I feel that college depends on the person. To me, some people may not need college because they may already have the knowledge they need or a job they are happy with. Some people, depending on their major, may need further knowledge in order to obtain their career.               A college education could raise a student’s chance of economic success in the future. The amount of knowledge and degree level can determine your income. When it comes to college, people may only do it for the money not because they love that job. I feel like you should at least wake up doing something you love to do. Some newl...

Exercise 1.2

When it comes to investing in college can be good or bad. In some case some people might say college is just not for them and some may have a dream to go to college. College has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages could be being able to live on your own, activities, sports, and gaining further knowledge. Disadvantages would be paying off student loans, taking core classes, and all the funds you have pay, etc., and you could be paying off   those student loans forever. My partner says that it’s a waste of time. They feel that they don’t need basic classes because it has nothing to do with their major. I disagreed because I feel like we do need our basic core classes because it could benefit us in our careers.

digital heroin

I agree that kids shouldn't be exposed to technology at young ages. As proved in the article, technology messes up kids minds and causes them to be lazy and dependent on their devices. Kids should be exposed to technology when they are teenagers like 15 or 16. Early use of technology can also cause kids to get attitude with there parents and disobey them. 


There are many reasons why people argue. Some people like the power it gives them, some people like to be right and some just like to argue. I feel like positive ways of arguing would be like you both express your differences without rage and yelling and just listening the what each other have to say. A negative way to argue would be people expressing there differences with no evidence and with rage trying to prove there point. Which would mean they probably won't come to and agreement at the end. An argument is and exchange of different views, typically an angry one. How you should argue is you should have evidence to back up your topic and don't make the other person your arguing with feel less of themselves because the argument will go no where.